Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Start of My Notebook & a New Story

I'm impressed by folks like Brad Ovenell-Carter, Amy Burvall and Austin Kleon.  Thinkers who produce steady streams of process and consideration, making and contemplating, giving us all a looksee into the state of their thinking.

While I don't have the doodling prowess of @Braddo . . .

Or the fanciful digital touch of @amyburvall  . . .

Or the effortless real cool of @austinkleon . . .

I do have a desire to pull back the curtains on my brain a bit more and do a more deliberate keeping recording and sharing of those thoughts.

I bought a notebook.  AC Moore.  3 bucks.  On sale.  This one stays with me.

I also bought a bigger sketch book.  Also at AC Moore.  5 bucks.  Recycled.  Made in the USA.  Nice.  This one stays in the house.

Helpful to have a spouse looking out for you with a keen eye for coupons and bargains.

I started drawing out some ideas and notions and putting them up on my Instagram.

Not going to force it.  Not going to set an unreasonable expectations for myself.  What I am going to do instead is use these two tools and my trusty -- and adorably pink argyle -- Galaxy 3, instead of the piles and piles of recycled leftover handouts and misprints that lead to manilla folders stuffed with haphazard.  (I've many of these folders.  They are difficult to flip through.)

And this should begin a new story.  A story of my upcoming doings and possibilities, my upcoming school year, and a story of trying to be just a little more intentional and seeing where that takes me.

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